Soul Evolution for Personal Transformation

Access to Vivien Moss

Limiting beliefs and disruptive patterns can hold you back on your chosen path.

  • Learn to work with your energetic fields and 3 realms of consciousness.
  • Nurture and heal your emotional wounds with compassion & guidance.
  • Unlock your true self through deep personal insightful connection.

Are you looking for a way out of your emotional tangle?

Maybe you have tried different avenues already. Maybe you have been tagged with a label or two in the world of categories.

Maybe you are just experiencing a difficult challenge in your life.

You try to suppress your emotions and get on with it. But the problem keeps returning to rear its head and you feel weighed down or held back.

Your problem can overtake you, and it clings to you. There is no escape. It follows you everywhere you go.

You have now come to the conclusion that there must be a way to overcome personal challenges. A rope to pull you out to safety. To a different state of mind. Maybe a miracle.

The reality is you need to

  • discover how to stop running,
  • turn around and connect with your feelings
  • discover your own pathway to repair
  • and nurture yourself back to emotional health.

The question now is how do you do that?

My name is Vivien Moss, and I can safely guide you to a way out, amazingly, by finding the way in.

This practice is not what we have been taught yet this practice is our future evolution.

If…. we cannot master a way to heal our emotions, the energy that is omitted from our nervous system attracts resonating vibrational frequencies. We keep attracting and experiencing similar situations.

To alter our world around us, we have to shift our world within us. We cannot do this until we know how to meet our needs and rise through transformation.

Access Soul Repair

Discovering new realities through understanding what is shadow work

Don’t endure silently; empower yourself with a life changing experience.

‘Find courage, look within yourself. There you will witness much beauty; you were born with it. You will also discover subconscious energy parts that are trapped, that yearn for exposure, acknowledgement and understanding. These are the parts of you that have painfully waited for your nurturing. Here is where the healing transformation takes place. You will give thanks and rejoice in it, and you will be free to laugh. Embrace your own humanity.’
Vivien Moss

Having a session with Vivien has opened my soul in a way I thought I was not going to be able to reconnect with again. Vivien allowed me to see where the shattering came from and how to fix it. 
Thank you for your caring support. I would highly recommend a session with Vivien.

 Namaste Elaine 
Vivien’s work is deep and it helped to integrate parts of my being that were being neglected in the past. It helped me to revisit some emotions and to access others, allowing a cleanse of energy that caused a raise in the vibration and then more happiness. Vivien was able to listen what I had to say and to be kind even while treating challenging issues. It was a great experience.

Marcos De 
My first session with Vivien was a breakthrough I had not experienced before. Prior to seeing Vivien, I had been doing regular counselling for a year. I felt better after one session with Vivien.  My second session was the same and I felt more relaxed as knew the process and found it easier to find a particular moment to work on. 
Deidre D
I thought I was never going to get over my relationship breakdown.  Thanks so much for helping me find a way to process my emotions and come out stronger for it.  My life has hit a new level.
Anne M
You,ve made a big difference in my spiritual growth and you have a lot to offer.                                                                                                                                                                                         
Text books for psychology have no intuition or caring. Vivien has both plus empathy, experience and hope.                                                                                                                                                
The knot in my stomach has finally disappeared.
Josie H
I loved the inner child healing session. I didn't know how much I needed to explore my emotions about childhood needs being unmet. I felt very safe, supported and nurtured. This modality has added to my emotional security in the knowledge of my perfect imperfections.

Kylie S

About Vivien Moss

Explorer of soul truth for over 40 years to discover personal clarity, purpose, and how to navigate our dualistic existence. I have experience in many modalities that dig deep, resulting in my own transformation.

My knowledge and skills are founded within Energy Work, Expansion of Sensory Perception, Astrology, Shadow Identification, Psychoanalysis, Inner Journeying and Collective Awakenings.

I have developed an ability to tune in to my client’s energy fields to understand the needs of their emotional vibration characteristics.

My core belief is that we are energy-based beings running on different energetic pattern that have been programmed on a cellular platform by many of life’s variables. We have three levels of consciousness that are available to work with. 1. Conscious 2. Subconscious and 3. Commonly known as collective, super or higher consciousness.

It is not a matter of what is wrong with you, it is a matter of what character patterns have you formed through instinct, genetics, environmental influences and your experiential perception.